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08/04/2004: "Jessica Lynch Lies"

While researching for the post below this, I Googled Jessica Lynch. While I was looking for information about her capture, most of the links were about her rescue. It seems the rescue was staged. Brits didn't like it. Neither did the Iraqi doctors. Follow the Google links; support for these indictments is hard to miss.

I know this is old news, but it's new to me and I haven't touched on it before. I can see how Democrats might see this as one piece of a larger pattern of Bush Administration deceit.

I could be misinterpretting this all. That said, I think that the Bush Administration, including Secretary Rumsfeld, should have disavowed portrayals of Private Lynch's rescue as heroic. Actions such as these make false accusations such as "WMD lies" more believable. Actions such as these make it less likely that President Bush's coattails will increase Republican congressional majorities, thus subjecting vital legislation to more severe political pressure.


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