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07/20/2004: "Pretentious Government"

Via Drudge, a Boston Globe report that locals are upset that Boston police ordered the removal of sidewalk trash cans.

I don't blame residents for being upset; where else are they to discard waste? They've developed responsible habits which involve the now missing trash cans. Neither do I blame Boston police for ordering the removal of the trash cans; such trash cans are snazzy hiding places for bombs.

But the Police order didn't solve the problem. People are still throwing trash into the metal trash can frames; without the now absent liners, it is harder for Boston workers to load that trash into trucks. And all that trash now stting in the trash can frames once again make ideal hiding places for bombs.

The problem I see is that the Boston Police did not work with the populace. They did not explain that bombs are a concern. They did not ask for the public's assistance. Had they done so, they might of found a better way to dispense with trash. They probably would have done a better way of eliminating hiding places for bombs. This is not a Boston problem. This is an aloof public sector problem.


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