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07/09/2004: "Democratic Dirty Tricks"
Via Command Post, per Fox News, Ralph Nader is accusing Democrats of dirty tricks.
Frankly I don't think this means Republicans are good and Democrats are evil. And it's not just that I see the Democrats actions as above board (I do). Instead, it's that I don't see the Republicans as wanting to attack Nader; Nader draws voters from Kerry, not Bush. I'd expect Republicans to use dirty tactics against an independent Buchanan or McCain or even, had he so run, '76 Reagan.
Finding a clean campaign is much easier than finding a clean candidate. The first requires total group participation; the second requires one honest soul. For that reason, I expect all sides to be the targets of dirty tricks. For me, the important question is how high up the chain of command the dirty tricksters rise, and how the top echelons react to dirty tricks pulled on their behalf. That's not always heartening.