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06/23/2004: "Senator Kerry off again"

Having in all three June 22 roll call votes, Senator Kerry apparently left town again today, having cast no recorded votes on June 23.

The closest vote he missed went down 49-49, a partisan effort "To amend title 10, United States Code, to reduce the age for receipt of military retired pay for nonregular service from 60 to 55." President of the Senate Dick Cheney apparently cast the tie breaking vote.

To be honest, it may not be the case that Senator Kerry's presence would have led to the bill's passage. Politicians are known for counting votes and allowing members to change their vote.

  • Senator Snowe may have asked the Republican leadership for permission to vote in favor. She might want to vote "aye" to help her buy votes at home in the next election. She would ask for permission; if she upset the leadership, none of her pet projects would gain support, and she'd lose the ability to send home pork. The Republican leadership, knowing that the amendment will fail, grants permission.
  • Heck, Republican Senators Spectre may have changed his vote to "Aye" just to make the vote appear closer than it actually was in an effort to embarrass Senator Kerry.
(Again, I speculate about individual senators here.)

Politics aside, Senator Kerry is being paid to represent Taxachussets. He should be debating and voting and falling asleep just like everyone else's senators.


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