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06/22/2004: "Pending Revamp?"

A couple of times now, I've caught myself rehashing old news, just because I think it deserves to stay in the foreground. I did it with North Korea, Iraq, and President Clinton. There is a pattern emerging here.

Blogging is fine; it lets me comment on whatever current events I feel like commenting on. But the list of hot topics is rarely the same as the list of most important topics. So I'm tempted to start a slate of semistatic web pages, one for each important topic. A given topic would get a web page if and only if I think it is vital to our future. Each web page would be chock full of links concerning that topic; why it matters, and what we should do.

North KoreaEvil Dictator; WMDs
IraqStop Terrorism; Save Middle East
Cut TaxesGrow the economy; shrink the government
Cut capital gains taxGrow the economy; foster innovation
Reform Social SecurityAvoid Meltdown; help economy
Health Care ReformSave Lives
Tort ReformGrow Economy; Save Lives

I almost put President Clinton's legacy in there, clean government matters. Related is the Florida 2000 election; both have to do with the rule of law as written, not as the biggest mouths think it should be interpreted.

And, of course, there's always my pet, government reform.


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June 2004

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