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06/20/2004: "European Elections unspun"
Via Natalie Solent, the Chicago Boyz (no, they don't make pitchforks with their hands) reprint an analysis from Jim Bennett:
The entirely predictable but still breathtakingly brazen spin of the US liberal media on the British European elections continues to demonstrate the need for alternative channels of information, particularly the blogosphere.
I just heard NPR describe the election results as "British voters punishing Blair over Iraq", echoing the Washington Post and NY Times. This has become the official line. Any sane editor would choose to lead with a headline grounded in actual factual analysis, such as:"Three Pro-War British parties take 67% of vote, push anti-war party to fourth place"; or
"New anti-EU party displaces Liberal Democrats as Britain's Third Party"; or
"British Voters Back War but Punish Blair over Europe"; or
"BBC Host Fired for Political Incorrectness Leads Europe Rebels to Victory"; or
"Liberal Democrats Play Anti-War Card with Meager Results; or
"Britain: Only European Country with Pro-War Government *and* opposition party, now sees rise of third pro-war party, eclipsing antiwar party." or
"Euroskeptic Parties Take Majority of Vote for First Time."
All of these are factually true and would seem interesting angles purely from a journalistic point of view. Did we see any of them? Ha!
The really interesting thing about this election was [....]