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06/16/2004: "The Pledge of Allegiance"

Yes, the Supreme Court recently sidestepped the issue of whether it is ok to include "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. Because the father that orginally filed the lawsuit did not have custody of the daughter allegedly harmed, the Supreme Court ruled the case had no merit. (um, not that I'm a lawyer.)

Frankly, I question the Pledge for another reason. According to Bob Wallace, the pledge is socialist in nature:

What kind of man was [presumed Pledge of Allegiance author] Bellamy? He was a Nationalist, a Christian Socialist and a Baptist minister who was driven from his pulpit by a congregation weary of his socialist sermons. (Obviously, congregations had more sense in those days.) Since it is not possible to be a Christian and a socialist, Bellamy was very simply a socialist and a Nationalist (I find disturbing the fact that the phrase "National Socialist" is better known by the word "Nazi.")
The main purpose of the Pledge of Allegiance was to collectivize impressionable young students. Some might call this "patriotism," but it could equally as well be called "fascism."

Via Portland Indymedia (did I really just link Indymedia?), a link to a link to early pictures of students reciting the pledge. Research via Google.


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