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06/14/2004: "What I dislike about President Bush"
From Marginal Revolution, a post about changing the size of government.
There are fifteen major federal agencies and departments. During the past 9 presidential terms, they have all grown twice; once under President Clinton's second term, and during President Bush's current term. And, as Dr. Cowen indicates, this approaches the category of lies, damn lies, and statistics. Quoth he: "This is a highly imperfect proxy, but when you are 0 for 15 it is hard to blame measurement error alone."
The frustrating part is that we can do nothing about it. I do not have faith that Senator Kerry would slow the growth of government, much less enact real cuts.
Anyway, let no one call me some sort of rabidly blind Republican. To me it is principles, not personalities. And Republicans better exemplify the principles I support.