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05/27/2004: "Sadr agrees to Peace Terms"
From Australian Broadcasting Corporation, as quoted on Command Post:
Radical cleric Moqtada Sadr and a council of Iraqi clerics have agreed on a truce to end fighting in three contested cities between his militia and the US-led coalition, US officials say.
And from Reuters via the comments (5/27 8:35 am & 8:41 am):
Earlier on Thursday, Rubaie, quoting a statement signed by Sadr, said the cleric was willing to pull members of his Mehdi Army who are not from Najaf out of the city and had demanded in return that a murder case for which he is wanted be suspended.
The U.S.-led coalition has previously said it will not negotiate with Sadr and that to end the confrontation he must disband his militia and agree to face justice.
We are winning in Iraq. The only way we lose is if politicians decide to withdraw.
There will continue to be bumps in the road, yes. But, by forcing Moqtada Sadr to cry "uncle", we have just gotten past a huge bump.
It seems that the cease fire is not holding.