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04/26/2004: "Fighting Spam"
As some may have noticed, I have my own web site. One advantage (or disadvantage) is that real life acquaintances (spell check link: Ukranian travel dating) know it's mine.
But what I really like is the ability to autosort email. I once tried to get free stuff from American Giveaways (I have a vague sense of disappointment). I used the email address "americangiveaways@alanmrobertson.com". Last month, I cancelled my service with them. I still get much email at that address. Anyway, I have email set to that address forwarded to "junk@alanmrobertson.com" so when I download it on my home machine, I get a message "junk has 1 new message".
Spammers have harvested my email addresses from web log comments. I know this because I get spam sent to asmallvictory@alanmrobertson.com, janegaltfan@alanmrobertson.com, ASVVisitor@alanmrobertson.com, HoderReader@alanmrobertson.com, and ScrapplefaceReader@alanmrobertson.com.
Lately though, I've been using "HarvestedFromXYZBlog@alanmrobertson.com. I have not been getting spam sent to that address. Perhaps that is because bloggers are beating spammers.
Anyway, thanks to my spam control methods, messages from identified spammers go straight to the bit bucket (actually, I keep them for future reference, I just wanted to use the term "bit bucket").