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04/21/2004: "No More Blood for Oil"
Another excellent post from Command Post.
I wonder howif the mainstream press will cover it.
It is disgusting and disheartening that the U.N. leadership -- which should be a force for good -- was willing to watch innocent Iraqis die just so they could line their pockets with oodles of cash. I am a believer in group conscience. I do believe that "we" are smarter than "me". Usually. If I am in a room full of brutal dictaters and their underhanded supporters, I will make an exception. Saddam Hussein was a brutal dictator. The U.N, France, and Russia are full of underhanded supporters. Not having their support before the war began does not mean the war was unjust. Not having their support now does not mean our current efforts are counterproductive. It just means that people who aren't worth our time took the time to question our worth.