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04/15/2004: "Liberating Campuses"
I got today's Opinion Journal Best of the Web the usual way, by email. The second item is entitled "Razor's Edge". It closes with:
It's a pipe dream of course, but this does make us wish the Marines would liberate a few American college campuses.
Frankly, I wonder how much of a pipe dream it is. I suspect that soldiers have always used the GI Bill to pay for college. Before now, I suspect they would just blend in (as much as older students could blend in), not altering campus debate.
But when today's Marines move from Iraqi battle fields to college campuses, I doubt they will suffer the foolishness of fellow students who denigrate military service. I suspect that even professors will get pushback on their liberal rantings. Indeed, the Marines may indeed liberate a few college campuses by the end of the decade.