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03/19/2004: "Potential Benefits of Al-Zawahiri Hunt"

Numerous accounts allege that Ayman al Zawahiri, al Queda's second in command, was close to being captured earlier today. Even if he escaped, we may have already gained two advantages in the War on Terror.

First, Dr. Zawahiri (apologies if I mangled the honorific) is bin Laden's doctor. bin Laden may have bad kidneys and in need of dialysis. It may already be the case that we (counting the Pakistanis as one of us, of course) have destroyed equipment necessary to bin Laden's continued survival.

Second, Dr. Zawahiri and his notes, if captured unharmed, could definately lead us to other terror cells. If those terror cells have already felt it necessary to relocate, we will have hurt them. Further, we may be able to catch them in the act of moving.


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