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03/16/2004: "Musta been a nice window"

From The Ann Arbor News Police Beat, Tuesday, March 16:

Vandals break window at school

A window at an Ann Arbor elementary school was broken by vandals over the weekend, according to police reports.

A teacher at Haisley Elementary School, 825 Duncan St., found a broken window in her classroom when she reported to work Monday morning, reports said.

Officers found a 3-inch wide, hard rubber ball in the classroom that they believe was thrown through the window on the building's west side. Damage was estimated at about $400, reports said.

I went to Wines School in Ann Arbor, and walked by Haisley on many occasions. As I recall, it is a simple one story school, with rows and rows of boring, rectangular windows.
So why did it cost $400? Funny, I can't seem to find any pages which lists typical wages or benefits for the Ann Arbor Public School employees which would be paid to replace that window. I think such a page would answer my question.
I found this year's budget (simple pleasures...)! And, wouldn't ya know it, we learn on page 115 that "Window Glazing", on a "Contract as needed" basis for "Projects and [Emergencies]", is not "Privatized / Outsourced"; instead, it is handled by "District Employees". At the bottom of page 116, we learn that they are considering outsourcing of maintenance services.


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