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03/11/2004: "More Dirty Tricks"
What can one say. It seems that both sides have members that fight unfairly. From Yahoo, via Drudge:
Last year, [Bush political appointee and Viet Nam veteran John Thomas] Burch registered the Internet domain names veteransforjohnkerry.org and veteransforjohnkerry.com.
[Sen. John Kerry spokesman David] Wade said the campaign is expecting Burch and others to engage in "political dirty tricks," and said it is "standard operating procedure" for Bush to stand by and allow it.
Granted, we do not know what Mr. Burch will do with the URLs. And URL-jacking is not as bad as some of the vitriol spewn in the other direction. Still, if one wants to start a web site to represent veterans which oppose John Kerry, the honorable thing would be to call it something like veteransagainstjohnkerry.com.
Welcome to those of you searching for "Veteransagainstjohnkerry". I've been tracking from where my 40ish visitors come; that search is large. Funny thing, this is my only anti-bush post. I present this as an attempted humorous, below the belt, jab at Senetor Kerry. I'd like to think that most of my posts are more reasoned in nature.