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03/10/2004: "Happy Birthday, "Road to Serfdom""
Marginal Revolution reports that this is the 60th anniversary of Friedrich A. Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom". One Amazon reviewer says that:
"The Road to Serfdom" lays out just what the title implies. F.A. Hayek was a brilliant thinker who was sadly dismissed by many of his day. Hopefully, more leaders of our era will read this book and realize that economic planning, be it through protective tariffs or progressive tax rates, while such an easy sell and so tempting at times, lead only to a loss of freedoms for everyone (as economic freedom is at the base of all the others), including the people they are supposedly intended to help.
While I haven't read the book itself, I've had it recommended to me by good people.
My own belief is that power corrupts, etc., and that "The Road to Serfdom" expands upon that concept very well. I think that the anniversary of any work that says what I want to say so much better than I could say it deserves to be commemorated.