Log Archives
June 2006
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April 2004
March 2004
June 2006
August 2005
May 2005
April 2005
March 2005
November 2004
October 2004
September 2004
August 2004
July 2004
June 2004
May 2004
April 2004
March 2004
06/17/2006: "Fair" Tax
08/08/2005: Offensive College Mascot
05/21/2005: URL Blacklisting
05/21/2005: Cool Site
04/29/2005: Reality Check
04/29/2005: Poor, relative to whom?
03/11/2005: No More Comments; ta for now
11/17/2004: Fallujah: The Beginning of the End
11/02/2004: Zogby trends: no help.
10/28/2004: Election Preparations
10/28/2004: An Election Complexity; poised for chaos
10/27/2004: Bush's Other Election Day Worry
10/27/2004: Analyzing Zogby's 10 State Numbers
10/27/2004: Twins redux
10/26/2004: Hit number 1,000
10/26/2004: October Surprise
10/24/2004: Election Forecasts
10/24/2004: One life saved: a firsthand account from Iraq
10/24/2004: Back to basics: low flow toilets
10/24/2004: Iraqi Nuke Triggers missing
10/24/2004: Michigan's disenfranchised voters
10/24/2004: Me, official election inspector.
10/19/2004: Bush Blunders; Good for him!
10/14/2004: Lefty Journalist accuses military of heinous massacre
10/14/2004: Aussie's throw red meat at political junkies
10/14/2004: Speaking of Electoral Fraud
10/14/2004: Top Dems: "Cry Wolf!"
10/11/2004: WOT Future
10/05/2004: Defensive Priorities
10/05/2004: Anemic Troop Levels
10/05/2004: Foreign Terrorists in Iraq
10/04/2004: Iraqi WMD Evidence found?
10/04/2004: The great debate pen kerfuffle
10/03/2004: First Command and the Air Force Brass
10/02/2004: Success in Samarra
10/02/2004: Global Test
09/30/2004: Debate Results
09/29/2004: Cheney's Alleged Flip-Flop
09/09/2004: FactCheck.org Trust Issue
09/04/2004: AP maligns Republican partisans
09/03/2004: Darwin Awards
08/28/2004: Ta, for now
08/12/2004: Edumacate me
08/11/2004: Factcheck.org
08/11/2004: Sudanese Genocide
08/09/2004: Halliburton KBR Application
08/09/2004: One Evil That Lawyers Hath Wrought
08/08/2004: Kerry on Iran?
08/07/2004: Battle for Iraqi Hearts and Minds
08/07/2004: Another War Movie
08/04/2004: Jessica Lynch Lies
08/04/2004: Military Discipline Restoration Underway
08/04/2004: The Mesopotamian on the bombing of Iraqi churches
08/04/2004: Loyal Opposition
08/04/2004: Must See DVD: Touching the Void
08/03/2004: Quote of the Day
08/03/2004: Chief Wiggles vs. Atlas Scumwads
08/03/2004: Terror Arrests in England
08/03/2004: MeganJane's Chapter a Day club
08/02/2004: Top al Qaeda Computer Geek Caught
08/01/2004: IRS, RIP?
07/31/2004: Kerry's Mandate
07/30/2004: ChronicalsChronicles of Narnia
07/30/2004: Saddam's Torture Logged
07/30/2004: Partisan Nickname
07/29/2004: Rumors of Captured Terrorists
07/27/2004: Construction ahead? Please merge late.
07/27/2004: Ann Arbor Art Fair
07/22/2004: Smart Alec Responses
07/22/2004: War on Terror Prisoner Abuse
07/22/2004: 911 Report Released
07/21/2004: Iranian Nuclear Ambitions Delayed
07/21/2004: Censorship
07/21/2004: Gratuitous swipe of the day
07/20/2004: Expensive Gas Prediction
07/20/2004: Pretentious Government
07/19/2004: Sandy Berger, Thief
07/19/2004: Long Distance Drive Thru
07/19/2004: Good News From Iraq
07/18/2004: Tayshaun Fix
07/17/2004: UM cited in Checks-For-Degrees Scam
07/17/2004: Science vs. Money and Saving the Children
07/16/2004: Inflated Iraqi Body Count
07/16/2004: California Scuzbuckets Shun Vietnam veteran (and former POW) Admiral Jeremiah Denton
07/16/2004: Someone Finally Said Something
07/16/2004: Terror in the Sky redux?
07/15/2004: DVD prices fall
07/14/2004: Our quiver is full of death arrows
07/14/2004: Oil For Food
07/13/2004: Insidious sexism? Lies, Dang Lies, and Stats.
07/09/2004: Kerry ignorant on finer points of national security
07/09/2004: Bush National Guard records lost
07/09/2004: Rock, Paper, Saddam
07/09/2004: Democratic Dirty Tricks
07/08/2004: Heated Debate
07/07/2004: Environment Variables
07/07/2004: Moving on in The Middle East? Iraq vs. Iran?
07/07/2004: Do we need a higher level of political honesty?
07/07/2004: F9/11 Fact Checked
07/07/2004: The Federalist Papers
07/07/2004: Kerry's VP; All About the Benjamins?
07/07/2004: Top ten reasons to vote against Bush?
07/06/2004: Fisk endangers Iraqi judge
07/06/2004: Political Dishonesty
07/06/2004: A Poll and a Caption Contest
07/05/2004: The New and Improved John Kerry
07/05/2004: Field Guides
07/05/2004: Unvaccinated
07/05/2004: Alleged Clinton Book Signing
07/03/2004: Fireworks
07/01/2004: Saddam Photoshopped
06/30/2004: Roe Effect: Fact or Fiction
06/30/2004: The Antidisestablishment of God
06/29/2004: The State of Politics
06/28/2004: Peacenik Prayers
06/23/2004: Senator Kerry off again
06/22/2004: Hitchens on Moore: The Aftermath
06/22/2004: Banknote Trivia
06/22/2004: Media coverage: request or demand?
06/22/2004: Senator Kerry Back
06/22/2004: Google Management Google Bombed II
06/22/2004: Pending Revamp?
06/21/2004: North Korea Revisited
06/21/2004: Imagery Laced Open Letter to President Bush
06/20/2004: Why we had to invade Iraq
06/20/2004: Binary Math Trick
06/20/2004: Close Election
06/20/2004: President Clinton Loses his Cool
06/20/2004: Biden Politics
06/20/2004: European Elections unspun
06/20/2004: Gee, Your Glare Smells Terriffic!
06/20/2004: Poker, per Dave Barry
06/20/2004: Clinton's Book Panned
06/20/2004: Muslim Brotherhood
06/19/2004: Think Again! Blog
06/19/2004: Abu Ghraib, Saddam Style
06/17/2004: Google Management Google Bombed
06/17/2004: Yesterday's News: Clinton Disbarred
06/17/2004: Michelle Malkins Discredits the Wall Street Journal
06/17/2004: My first $100 disk(?)
06/17/2004: Google Calculator
06/16/2004: Electronic voting
06/16/2004: Iraqi Oil Production Halved
06/16/2004: The Pledge of Allegiance
06/16/2004: Detroit Defense TShirts
06/16/2004: Iraqi Poll Results
06/16/2004: Michelle Malkin Blog
06/16/2004: Abu Ghraib under Saddam vs. Chicago jails under Dailey
06/16/2004: Pistons TShirt idea
06/16/2004: Grats to the Pistons
06/16/2004: www.onlylegitworkathomejobs.com et al
06/14/2004: What I dislike about President Bush
06/14/2004: Sino Threat
06/14/2004: Top notch Bleat spoof ad
06/14/2004: Cool Search
06/14/2004: Pistons' depth shows
06/13/2004: Two Cheers for Senator Kerry
06/12/2004: Boorish Basketball
06/11/2004: Pistons up 2-1
06/10/2004: Banned Iraqi Missle Parts Found in Jordan
06/09/2004: onlylegitworkathomejobs
06/08/2004: Go Pistons
06/08/2004: Spyware
06/08/2004: Shower Plumbing
06/07/2004: Are Iraqis glad we invaded?
06/07/2004: Why We Fight
06/07/2004: More Reagan
06/07/2004: Pistons 1 Lakers 0
06/06/2004: Dr. Tabarrok on President Reagan
06/06/2004: Joe Dumars
06/06/2004: NBA betting lines
06/06/2004: More Reagan Quotes
06/06/2004: Flattery will, apparently, get you everywhere.
06/05/2004: Air Hockey: Space Age Technology
06/05/2004: Reagan quotes
06/05/2004: Ronald Wilson Reagan, R.I.P.
06/04/2004: BOTW lifelong goal: met.
06/04/2004: Another 'job offer' from onlylegitworkathomejobs
06/04/2004: Tiananmen Condemnation
06/04/2004: FBI told of 9/11 method in 2/2000
06/03/2004: Keep your cotton picking hands off Free Speech
06/03/2004: U.S. Military 'Stop Loss'
06/03/2004: Spirit of America
06/03/2004: Corny expression of the day
06/03/2004: Yay Command Post
06/03/2004: Go Pistons!
06/03/2004: My Friend Alcohol, the cause and solution of all my problems
06/03/2004: Lawyers, Tobacco, Troops, and Taxes, with Politics as an added bonus
06/03/2004: World Government?
06/01/2004: Free Iran praises Ahmad Batebi
06/01/2004: Unionism at its worst
06/01/2004: Scarce Resources
06/01/2004: Fallujah being passified
06/01/2004: Links Updated
06/01/2004: Home Ice vs. Home Court
05/31/2004: Blair on Hilton
05/28/2004: Memorial Day
05/27/2004: Sadr agrees to Peace Terms
05/25/2004: Water Peddling
05/25/2004: Risk
05/23/2004: Iraqi Clerics support U.S. efforts ... kinda
05/22/2004: Two quotes, Thatcher and Mills
05/22/2004: Mars Contracts
05/20/2004: Who did we kill?
05/20/2004: Ubiquitous Information
05/18/2004: Leaked Rumsfeld Memo Revisited
05/17/2004: WMDs found in Iraq
05/17/2004: Left wing treason
05/17/2004: Navy Cross Honoree, Marine Capt. Brian R. Chontosh
05/14/2004: A market in everything
04/29/2004: Dislike registering for newspaper websites?
04/29/2004: Coach Brown Perseveres for the Pistons
04/29/2004: POW Abuse
04/28/2004: Censorship
04/28/2004: Hellacious Firepower
04/27/2004: Fallujah revisited
04/27/2004: EMail 1 SPAM 0
04/27/2004: Saddam's WMDs
04/27/2004: www.onlylegitworkathomejobs.com
04/27/2004: Fallujah Minaret Destroyed
04/26/2004: Another Job Offer! (re:www.onlylegitworkathomejobs.com)
04/26/2004: Google drew Strength from Weakness
04/26/2004: Supporting the Troops' Mission
04/26/2004: Fighting Spam
04/26/2004: Planes as Terrorist Missles
04/26/2004: Nuclear Waste
04/25/2004: Spellchecker
04/25/2004: Kerry Flip Flops
04/25/2004: Second Saudi Civil War?
04/24/2004: Iraqi Kurds
04/24/2004: Finding a Restaurant
04/24/2004: Vouchers in Milwaukee
04/24/2004: Soda Constructor
04/24/2004: Finally, a redeaming quality; Concerns www.onlylegitworkathomejobs.com
04/24/2004: If it wasn't The Captain, then what was it?
04/24/2004: WMD Search
04/24/2004: Iraqi Myths Dispelled
04/22/2004: Paris Match Protects Sources
04/22/2004: Quote style
04/22/2004: Barlett's Misgivings
04/21/2004: No More Blood for Oil
04/18/2004: Another Iraqi Blog
04/18/2004: WMD use Thwarted
04/17/2004: Funny Message
04/17/2004: Iranian Unrest
04/17/2004: NBA Schedule Peccadillos -- Winners and Losers
04/17/2004: WMD Quote Roundup
04/16/2004: Improved Pistons
04/15/2004: Liberating Campuses
04/15/2004: Firewall Protected Terrorists
04/15/2004: Other blogs.
04/15/2004: One 9-11 Watershed
04/15/2004: Death Clock
04/15/2004: Senator Allen Supports Freedom in Iran
04/14/2004: Iran takes long view of Iraq
04/14/2004: Fallujah's recently deceased women and children.
04/14/2004: Subservient Chicken Unmasked
04/13/2004: A Russian view of Fallujah
04/12/2004: Iraqi Stakes
04/12/2004: Woo hoo! I got a job! Kinda...
04/12/2004: Google bombing "Jew"
04/12/2004: PDB
04/12/2004: Life lessons
04/11/2004: Iraqi Challenge
04/10/2004: Free html code!
04/09/2004: Lileks on Rice testimony
04/08/2004: Iraqi added bonus
03/28/2004: Unenforced Absence
03/23/2004: One more Peace March Picture
03/23/2004: Fame! At Last! Kinda. Sigh.
03/23/2004: favicon.ico
03/22/2004: Twins II
03/22/2004: Koran revisted
03/21/2004: The New Poll Results Are In!
03/21/2004: Wild Nukes
03/21/2004: European investigative reporter harrassed
03/20/2004: Creative Crime
03/20/2004: A Day By Day to the Peace Marchers
03/20/2004: Chicago Peace March
03/20/2004: Australians Bested
03/20/2004: Wologimbat
03/20/2004: Innoculations
03/20/2004: FDA Follies
03/19/2004: Kerry's Rudeness
03/19/2004: Potential Benefits of Al-Zawahiri Hunt
03/18/2004: Another Movie in Pakistan
03/18/2004: Poland Misled
03/17/2004: Below the Belt Politics
03/17/2004: Is Iran revolting?
03/17/2004: Who does Governor Dean trust?
03/17/2004: Draining Michigan
03/17/2004: COndolences to The Blogging Ceaser
03/16/2004: Water use
03/16/2004: bin Laden Missed again
03/16/2004: Musta been a nice window
03/16/2004: New Post
03/16/2004: Iranian uprising
03/16/2004: Terrorists to attack US Air Force in Colorado?
03/16/2004: al Queda topples Spanish government
03/16/2004: Chirac 3/16/2003
03/16/2004: Senatorial intelligence failures
03/16/2004: Jane Galt's Cry for Help
03/15/2004: Bloggerdom's reaction to the Attack on Spanish civilians
03/11/2004: New Age Cash Economy
03/11/2004: More Dirty Tricks
03/11/2004: Kerry's world wide web f up
03/11/2004: Employment Euphamism of the day
03/10/2004: How we know that Sparrowhawks don't study science
03/10/2004: What next?
03/10/2004: Happy Birthday, "Road to Serfdom"
03/09/2004: Reintroduction to Zimbabwe
03/09/2004: The Meaning of Life
03/08/2004: On Tomorrowism
03/08/2004: War on Terror Intelligence Analysis
03/08/2004: Nuansense
03/08/2004: Lindsay Hunter, Class Act
03/07/2004: Kerry on the War On Terror
03/07/2004: Twins
03/07/2004: Bush=Hitler?
03/07/2004: Ho All 200 Rooms
03/06/2004: Isreal
03/06/2004: Bus Tumbles Off Champaign Bridge
03/06/2004: Oops
03/06/2004: Hello World
Alan's Regular Reads:
Chicago Boyz
Michelle Malkin
Byrne's Eye View
Tim Blair
Jane Galt
Marginal Revolution
Lilek's Daily Bleat
Belmont Club
Natalie Solent
Uncensored Blog Madness
U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes
For the Intellect:
Think Again!
Andrew's Excel Tips
Project Free Iran
Command Post
Blog Runner
Search MLive
I search The Ann Arbor News for "Police Beat"
Detroit News Sports
Opinion Journal
Nealz Nuze
Election Projection
New at Snopes
Dave Barry's Blog
Day by Day
News Searches: (provisional)
June 2004 | ||||||
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